Spirea  Magic CarpetSpirea  Magic CarpetSpiraea jap. 'Walbuma' 'Magic Carpet'

Spirea Magic Carpet

Spiraea japonica, commonly called Japanese spirea, is a dense, upright, mounded, deciduous shrub that typically grows 4-6’ tall with a slightly larger spread. Leaves (to 3” long) are oval and sharply-toothed. Tiny pink flowers in flat-topped clusters (corymbs) cover the foliage from late spring to mid-summer, with sparse and intermittent repeat bloom sometimes occurring. Flowers are attractive to butterflies.Genus name comes from the Greek word speira meaning wreath in reference to the showy flower clusters seen on most shrubs in the genus.Specific epithet means of Japan, which is part of its native range.'Walbuma', commonly sold under the trade name MAGIC CARPET, was bred by David R. Tristam of Walberton Nursery in West Sussex, England. It was selected from third generation seedlings of self-pollinated Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame'. 'Walbuma' is a compact and spreading shrub with terminal clusters of small bright pink flowers. Its young shoots and leaves are red and mature to variations of gold, depending on light. In full sunlight, mature leaves are golden; under partial shade, mature leaves are greenish gold; and in dense shade, mature leaves are bright green. Fall coloration is a rich russet. 'Walbuma' is considerably shorter than its parent plant, growing 1 to 2 ft. tall and 2 to 3 ft. wide. United States Plant Patent #PP9,363 awarded November 7, 1995.

Plant Type:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
Bloom Colour:
Bright pink
Quantity Available:

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