Spirea Birchleaf Glow GirlSpirea Birchleaf Glow GirlSpiraea bet. 'Tor Gold' Glow Girl (PW) Spirea

Spirea Birchleaf Glow Girl

Spiraea betulifolia, commonly called birchleaf spirea, is native to Japan and eastern Asia. It is a dwarf shrub that typically matures as a dense rounded mound of foliage to 3' tall and as wide. Birch-like, round to egg-shaped leaves (to 2" long) have toothed margins. White flowers in clusters (corymbs) cover the foliage in mid-summer. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. Foliage turns quality shades of orange, red and purple in autumn. Varieties of this species include Spiraea betulifolia var. corymbosa (shinyleaf meadowsweet) which is native to the eastern U.S. (Pennsylvania south to Alabama and Georgia) and Spiraea betulifolia var. lucida (shinyleaf spirea) which is native to western North America (British Columbia to Saskatchewan south to Oregon, Wyoming and Minnesota).Genus name comes from the Greek word speira meaning wreath in reference to the showy flower clusters seen on most shrubs in the genus.Specific epithet comes from the birch genus (Betula) and leaf (folia) in obvious reference to the leaf shape.'Tor Gold', commonly sold under the trade name GLOW GIRL, is a Proven Winner selection. It was found in The Netherlands in 2008 as a sport of Spirea betulifolia ‘Tor’, a shrub which is valued for its hardiness in very low temperatures. ‘Tor Gold’ is a small shrub with rounded, birch-like, toothed leaves that emerge bright yellow, mature to chartreuse, and turn red, orange, and purple in autumn. Flower buds with hints of red open into flattened clusters of small, 5-petaled, white flowers. It grows 3 to 4 ft. tall and wide. U.S. Plant Patent Applied For (PPAF).

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